Specialised residential care in a unique community based environment.
Delivering outcomes based support and rehabilitation to those looking to re-engage with the community, Norton Street is a unique and vibrant service close to the city centre.
Norton Street is a specialised residential service for 30 adults experiencing high and complex mental health needs, who are looking to move through their care pathways to a more community based service. Centrally located in Trafford, Manchester, Norton Street is ideally situated to take advantage of excellent local facilities and transport links as well as all of the attractions of a major city.
Deepdene Care has operated Norton Street since its acquisition in 2006. With services operating throughout the UK, the group has developed strong and stable compliance, governance and central support frameworks which Norton Street benefits from.
Those living at Norton Street present with severe and enduring mental illnesses, challenging behaviour, and drug or alcohol dependency. We are well equipped to accommodate those who exhibit behaviours such as self-harm, personality disorders, or those with dual diagnosis.

Individual Care
Norton Street comprises nine terraced houses, with individual bedrooms for residents, providing a unique setting for them to enjoy the benefits of independent living with the support of a residential care service. Each house has its own living areas and kitchen, and residents are encouraged to treat the environment as their own home, getting involved in all aspects of daily living.
The home is led by a skilled leadership team, experienced care support workers and ancillary staff who provide 24 hour support.
In line with the personalisation agenda, service users are encouraged to be actively involved in their local community and are supported in daily activities such as managing finances, meal planning and preparation. Our excellent community links enable us to maximise opportunities for social inclusion and take advantage of activities offered in the area.
Residents are encouraged to focus on their recovery by working with us to develop individualised pathways of care that encourage positive risk taking and focus on individuals’ strengths and aspirations, enabling them to take an active part in their care and rehabilitation program.
Positive Outcomes
In close proximity to Prema Court, another Deepdene Care service, Norton Street is often the final part of the journey for many residents before they move towards more permanent independent living, while retaining the strong support networks that facilitate this transition.
If you would like to arrange an informal meeting, please contact us on our referral line:
Norton Street
28 Norton Street
Old Trafford
M16 7NX